Descubriendo la Sostenibilidad: Valencia, Capital Verde Europea 2024 Únete al Viaje Sostenible: Descubre Valencia en Verde Ya sea disfrutando de un paseo en bicicleta por el antiguo cauce del río Turia o explorando los jardines exuberantes de la ciudad, cada paso que tomas en Valencia es un paso hacia un futuro más sostenible. ¡Únete al […]
Christmas has arrived in Valencia, bringing with it a wave of magic that transforms the city into a charming setting adorned with bright lights, festive markets, and cozy traditions! On your next visit to this Mediterranean gem, don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere that envelops Valencia during the holidays. Lights […]
¡La Navidad ha llegado a Valencia y con ella, una ola de magia que transforma la ciudad en un escenario encantador lleno de luces brillantes, mercados festivos y tradiciones acogedoras! En tu próxima visita a esta joya mediterránea, no te pierdas la oportunidad de sumergirte en la atmósfera festiva que envuelve a Valencia durante las […]
¿What means La Crida in Valencia?
It Is the announcement that the Fallas festival begins and the invitation to enjoy it, both for falleros and falleras and for visitors.
The act with which they begin the Fallas consists of the reading of a speech, in charge of the falleras and the Mayor of the city, which is accompanied (as it could not be otherwise) by a pyrotechnic show.
This year’s Crida is celebrated on February 26, at 7 pm, to announce the city’s big festivities.
Christmas in Valencia During Christmas time Valencia is filled with decorations and lights. Most of the plazas in the city have Christmas trees and in some neighborhoods we can find Nativity scenes. The Nativity scenes are one of the most important Christmas traditions in Spain. In some places there are beautiful, alive Christmas Nativity scenes. […]
Valencia City of Running In December we have a very important sports event in our city . The Trinidad Alfonso EDP Valencia Marathon, organized by SD Correcaminos and the Valencia City council , is one of the best races in the world in the distance of 42,195 metres. The start and finish take place in […]
Mediterranean coast has a lot to offer. Explore Valencia in your on way. All Mediterranean coast has so much breathtaking places to visit, but Valencia City is a very special one. In our city, you can travel from the modern Art and Science Museum to the Roman ruins in Almoina Archaeological Museum in the same […]