Christmas in Valencia
During Christmas time Valencia is filled with decorations and lights. Most of the plazas in the city have Christmas trees and in some neighborhoods we can find Nativity scenes.
The Nativity scenes are one of the most important Christmas traditions in Spain.
In some places there are beautiful, alive Christmas Nativity scenes.

Another very special tradition that all the kids look forward to is Three kings day .
On 5 January around 5 pm in the Port of Valencia disembark from their journey from Africa Their Majesties the Three Kings. After a parade through some streets throwing candies, sweets, and small toys, they end up in Plaza del Ayuntamiento where they stand in the balcony of the city hall to say some words to the crowd.
Afterwards, the kids who want to see the Kings and receive a present can do it in the «Salon de Cristal» where the Tree Kings are sitting to receive all of them.
This wonderful day ends with a lot of presents that the kids receive the next morning in their homes from the Three Kings.
The holiday of the Three Kings on January 6 culminates with a very sweet treat “Roscon de Reyes” . It is a ring-shaped cake that can be filled with whipped cream or chocolate. Inside are hidden 2 surprises, 1 is a figure of a king and the other is a bean. The tradition says that the person who finds the bean has to pay for the cake of the next year.